
Responsible Property Investing Research

Boyd, T. (2005), Assessing the triple bottom line impact of commercial buildings. In The Queensland University of Technology Research Week International Conference Proceedings, 2005. Sidwell AC (ed.). Queensland University of Technology: Brisbane.

Boyd, T. and Kimmet, P. (2005), The triple bottom line approach to property performance evaluation. In Proceedings from the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) 11th Annual Conference.

deFrancesco, A.J. and Levy, D. (2008), The impact of sustainability on the investment environment," Journal of European Real Estate Research 1(1), pp 72-87.

Dixon, T. et al (2009), Measuring socially sustainable urban regeneration in Europe, EIBURS (European Investment Bank University Research Sponsorship Programme), Oxford Brookes University.

Dixon, T. et al (2007), A green profession? An audit of sustainability tools, techniques and information for RICS Members. Oxford Brookes University, School of the Built Environment.

Eichholtz, P., Kok, N. and Quigley J.M. (2009), Doing well by doing good? An analysis of the financial performance of green office buildings in the USA. RICS, London.

Fuerst, F. and McAllister, P. (2008), Pricing sustainability: An empirical investigation of the value impacts of green building certification. Paper presented at the American Real Estate Society Conference.

Jayne, M.R. (2003), The importance of being responsible. Property Management 21:133–135.

Jayne, M.R. and Skerratt, G. (2003). Socially responsible investment in the UK: criteria that are used to evaluate suitability. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 10:1–11.

Kimmet, P. and Boyd, T. (2004), An institutional understanding of triple bottom line evaluations and the use of social and environmental metrics. In Proceedings from the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) 10th Annual Conference.

Kriese, U. (2009), Business and marketing strategies in responsible property investment, Journal of Property Investment & Finance, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 447-469.

Lorenz, D. et al (2006), Addressing risk and uncertainty in property valuations: a viewpoint from Germany. Journal of Property Investment & Finance Vol. 24 No.5, 2006 pp. 400-433

Lutzkendorf, T. and Lorenz, D. (2005), Sustainable property investment: valuing sustainable buildings through property performance assessment. Building Research and Information 33:212–234.

Miller, N., Spivey, J., and Florance, A. (2008), Does green pay off? Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 14(4): 385-400.

McGreal, S. et al. (2006), Risk and diversification for regeneration/urban renewal properties: evidence from the U.K. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 12(1): 1–12


Mills, E. (2009), Building Commissioning - a golden opportunity for reducing costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Newell, G. (2008), The strategic significance of environmental sustainability by Australian-listed property trusts. Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 26(6): 522-540.

Newell, G. and Acheampong, P. (2002), The role of property in ethical managed funds. In Proceedings from the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) Eighth Annual Conference.

Rapson, D. et al (2007), Socially responsible property investment (SRPI): an analysis of the relationship between equities SRI and UK property investment activities. Journal of Property Investment & Finance 25(4): 342-358.

Roberts, C. et al (2007) Social responsibility: key terms and their uses in property investment. Journal of Property Investment & Finance Vol. 25 No. 4, pp. 388-400.

Roper, T.O. and Beard, J.L. (2006), Justifying sustainable buildings: championing green operations. Journal of Corporate Real Estate 8(2): 91-103.

Schafer, H. et al (2008), Fundamentals of socially responsible property investments, University of Stuttgart.

St. Lawrence, S. (2004). Review of the UK corporate real estate market with regard to availability of environmentally and socially responsible office buildings. Journal of Corporate Real Estate 6:149–161.

Wedding, G. Christopher, and Douglas A. Brown. (2007). . Journal of Environmental Management 85: 483-495.

Wiley, JA, JD Benefeld and KH Johnson (2008), Green design and the market for commercial office space, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.

RPIC Research

Pivo, G (2005), Is there a future for responsible property investing? Real Estate Issues, Fall, pp. 16-26.

Pivo, G (2008), Exploring responsible property investing: a survey of american executives, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 15 (4), pp. 235-248.

Pivo, G (2008) Responsible property investment criteria developed using the Delphi Method, Building Research & Information, 36:1, 20 - 36.

Pivo, G (2009), Social and environmental metrics for US real estate portfolios, Journal of Property Investment & Finance, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 481-510.

Pivo, G and Fisher, J (2010), The Walkability Premium in Commercial Real Estate Investments

Pivo, G and Fisher, J (2010), Income, Value and Returns in Socially Responsible Office Properties.

Pivo, G and McNamara, P (2005), Responsible property investing. International Real Estate Review 8, pp. 128-143.